With O'Shea's the Advantage is yours.
After over 12 years of working towards developing comprehensive answers
to the unique situations our customers have brought to us, O’Shea’s
has developed a system of dynamic programs which can effectively meet
the needs of our client’s.
O’Shea’s offers total resolution on the IT problems our
customer’s face today.
We offer full scale protection of your critical designs and systems.
Every customer is treated as our only customer. In the event
of a problem, we have implemented an electronic paging system to alert
us to a situation as soon as possible. This allows us to be quick and
responsive to the situation at hand.
We are your one stop shop. We do it all for you. Let us know
what you want and that is exactly what we will work to achieve. You
are our client and we take that very seriously.
We are proud to be members of ICCA a non-profit organization
which supports independent IT consultants, such as ourselves. Not only
does this mean that we are not beholden to any other organization, except
yours, it also means that we have access to over 8,000 independent techs
to assist us in developing and implementing the best solution for you.
We can offer highly professional and specialized service on
many different levels to meet the requirement of simultaneously different
O’Shea’s takes our partnerships with its clients very seriously.
We can assure you that we view confidentiality of our work with you
and the particulars of any information surrounding this work to be strictly
confidential. We hold ourselves to the highest standards in this regards
and understand the highly sensitive and critical nature of shared information.